Performance of Mavefund
Between 69% and 84% of retail investors face financial losses. We aid investors in cultivating long-term wealth by automating the Buffett-style stock-picking process, complemented by dollar-cost averaging. Utilizing an AI model for monthly market-trend prediction enhances returns. Our investment strategy is simple to comprehend and easy to implement. Demonstrating our performance over the past five years, we have achieved an impressive 25% average annual return, consistently outperforming the S&P 500 by 10% annually.
YEAR 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
SP500 29.08% 14.4% 29.52% -19.75% 24.73%
Mavefund Portfolio 41.95% 16.73% 39.71% -0.06% 31.73%
Performance +12.15% +2.33% +10.19% +19.69% +7%
By becoming a member, you will receive detailed investment information that supports you in making proper investment decisions. As a member, you will receive guidance on investment from our robo advisors. Here is a sample message:

What to invest this month: According to our model, we see the market has the potential to grow this month (2023-12-15 to 2024-01-14). Because the inflation is under control and the Fed interest rate remains steady
The stocks we see have great long-term growth potential are: AAPL MSFT UNH. Because of Growing EPS, low leverage, share buyback, high ROA, and high net margin over the last 6 years.
How much to invest? We believe that an investment of 100 USD this month has the potential to yield a favorable return. Fifty percent of the investment is allocated to the S&P 500 index, while the remaining portion is evenly distributed among stocks (AAPL, UNH, MSFT). How to start your investment account? ETORO(Getting Started on eToro 101)

(The subscription will be billed annually in advance. You can cancel your subscription at any time, effective at the end of a month.)